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21. September 2021

A Guinness world record made in Oepping: CHICO & the giant hammock

Rolling hills. Dense forests. And a pretty castle with an arcade from the 17th century. This is Oepping. Idyllic. Quiet. Comfortable. At first glance, no one would assume that history was made here. And that a world record was set right here. But it is true. In the following post, we’ll tell you exactly what it’ about and what we at CHICO have t...
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8. September 2021

Material science part 2: Ash wood for the wooden frames of our hammocks

Fraxinus excelsior. Hidden behind this sounding Latin name is one of the most famous tree species of Europe: the ash tree. Also called Common ash or tall ash. It’s specialty: It can not only become very high, but it also produces a very special type of wood with excellent properties.  Because of this the ash wood is one of the most important har...
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25. August 2021

A visit to the CHICO twisting mill: the master of threads provides an insight

Green. Blue. Purple. Red. And a shining yellow. Christian’s day-to-day work is above all one thing: colorful. The Mühlviertler works for us in the CHICO twisting mill. Not only the treads for the hammocks and hammock chairs run together with him, but he also is the master of all the threads and spools. Christian is therefore an indispensable for...
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11. August 2021

Hammocks during pregnancy: relaxed rocking for two

When two people become tree and with love, a child is born, a unique and challenging phase of life begins for the parents-to-be. Setting up a child´s room, choosing a name. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to get hold of – from baby bottles up to a stroller. But WAIT: a pregnancy shouldn´t be a hectic race – it should be enjoyed. Because just ...
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28. July 2021

Minimalist garden: minimalism conquers interior design & gardens

We build houses that are more imposing, drive bigger cars and own than a few decades ago. The average European owns an average of 10.000 items. It seems that we need more and more to be satisfied. But a counter-trend has been noticeable in recent years: Minimalism. We will tell you what this is all about and why it is not only good to free yours...
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14. July 2021

Hammock appreciation day: 10 facts about hammocks

It is popular among old and young, tall and short and is used all around the world: the hammock. That’s why it deserves its own special day. The hammocks day of honor has been July 22nd for several years and goes back to the Hammock Day in the USA. Bob Matthews is considered to be the founder. He chose this date, because it marks the middle of t...
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Hauptstraße 11, 82433 Bad Kohlgrub, Deutschland

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Hueb 9, 4674 Altenhof, Österreich

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Europaplatz 8, 3382 Loosdorf, Österreich

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