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12. February 2020

Spring, Sun, Sunglasses

Even if there are still cool temperatures in the Mühlviertel at the moment, we notice how slowly but surely the spring feeling is spreading also here in the "high north". Crocuses, tulip buds and daisies sprout from the ground and delight our minds.   We are eagerly awaiting the new garden season and are already in the middle of the preparatio...
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17. September 2019

Fabric cleaner

Your hammock has been serving you well for some time now, but you do not know what's the best way to clean it? We have been searching for a long time for a suitable fabric cleaner that meets our expectations and have finally found what we were looking for! It was not so easy to find a product that is mild and gentle to the fabric, yet cleans...
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5. May 2019

CHICO at the Bio.Garden.Eden

Some of our hammocks change into their "summer quarters" for the Landesgartenschau Bio.Garten.Eden. There they wait for many visitors and enthusiastic hammock swingers. By the way: Bio.Garten.Eden is only 8 kilometres away from us. A side trip to us is always worthwhile. Outside our opening hours you can use our new "CHICO rest area" with many h...
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29. March 2019

Movement and Security

The gentle movement of a hammock or hammock chair is familiar to every toddler. The child feels protected and safe, almost like in the belly of its mother. Swaying appeals to a basic human instinct and has a calming effect. But CHICO products are also ideal therapeutic "playgrounds". Many remedial teachers use them specifically to sharpen the ch...
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25. March 2019

Bargain Hunting

Have you already done online shopping? Every day billions (probably more) of articles are searched and found online. That's a good thing. Saving a few Euros is not only gentle on your purse, but also gives you the feeling of having done everything right. But what happens if the tempting bargain turns out to be unrealistic? Then comes the rud...
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Untereggen 2, 4625 Offenhausen, Österreich

+43 7247 8087

info@silberholz.at, https://silberholz.at/

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 8 - 12 und 14 - 17 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Sleep & Toy

Markt 83, 5440 Golling a.d. Salzach, Österreich

+43 664 5901833

chgr@sbg.at, https://www.sleep-toy.com

Business hours
Mo, Di, Do, Fr: 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr Mi, Sa: 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr
partial stock, orders possible
available in the online shop
available in store
Starkl Pflanzenversand GmbH

Neubrunn 1, 3361 Aschbach/Markt, Österreich

+43 7476 76565, Fax: +43 7476 76590

gartencenter.aschbach@starkl.at, https://www.starkl.at/

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 8:30 - 18:00 Uhr, Sa: 08:30 - 17:00 Uhr
partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Steiner Möbel GmbH

Badstraße 3, 4644 Scharnstein, Österreich

+43 7615 23140, Fax: +43 7615 778710

office@steiner-moebel.at, http://www.steiner-moebel.at/

Business hours
Mo - Do: 8:00 bis 14:00 Uhr, Fr: 8:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Team 7

Salzburger Straße 18, 5301 Eugendorf, Österreich

+43 6225 2616, Fax: +43 6225 261615

f.elsenwenger@team7-salzburg.at, https://www.team7-salzburg.at/de/

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Sa: 09:00-16:00 Uhr
partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Team 7

Mitterfeldstraße 6, 4600 Wels, Österreich

+43 7242 466930, Fax: +43 7242 466936

info@team7-wels.at, https://www.team7-wels.at/de/

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Sa 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Teekastl Tamsweg

Amtsgasse 12, 5580 Tamsweg, Österreich

+43 6474 26920


Business hours
Mo - Fr: 08:30 - 12:30 u 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr Sa: 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Thaler Hermann & Co. KG

Gänsbacherstraße 4, 39049 Sterzing, Italien

+39 0472 765368, Fax: +39 0472 762714

info@thalerhermann.it, https://thalerhermann.it/

partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Tischlerei & Möbelhandel

Henning 4, 3254 Bergland, Österreich

+43 2757 65240, Fax: +43 2757 65244

tischlerei@heilos.at, http://www.heilos.at/

partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Tischlerei Ecker GmbH

Mühlberg 21, 4522 Sierning, Österreich

+43 7259 2235, Fax: +43 7259 223510

office@ecker-tischlerei.at, https://www.ecker-tischlerei.at/

Business hours
Mo - Fr: 8:30 - 12:00 Uhr und Mo, Do, Fr: 14:30 - 18:00 Uhr
partial stock, orders possible
available in store
Tischlerei Massatsch

Leopold Figl Straße 2a, 2524 Teesdorf, Österreich



partial stock, orders possible
Tischlerei Seidl Johannes

Weißenbach 2, 5431 Kuchl, Österreich

+43 (0) 6244 5380 / +43 (0) 664 1858065

info@tischlerei-seidl.at, https://tischlerei-seidl.at

Business hours
MO-FR: 07:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 18:30
partial stock, orders possible

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