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Hammocks during pregnancy: relaxed rocking for two

When two people become tree and with love, a child is born, a unique and challenging phase of life begins for the parents-to-be. Setting up a child´s room, choosing a name. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to get hold of – from baby bottles up to a stroller. But WAIT: a pregnancy shouldn´t be a hectic race – it should be enjoyed. Because just as every child is unique, so is every pregnancy different. Many ask themselves the question: How can I do something good for my child and me? And how can I prepare myself, physically and mentality? A well-structured everyday life and the conscious allowing and writing down of thoughts can help you to adjust to the new situation. Find during that process your very own pace and allow slowness. Exchange ideas with like-minded and include exercise, such as a walk or a swimming session. Also: Give yourself time outs. For example a nap in a hammock. You are now asking yourself: Are hammocks good during pregnancy? Yes, of course! In the following, we will explain you why hammocks and pregnancy go well together.

Hammocks and pregnancy: A good combination

Expectant mothers often feel overwhelmed and tens. Letting go of brooding and switching off is not always easy. A hammock or a hammock chair can slow down this spiral of thoughts. The key lies in their gentle swinging. This rocking movement reminds of the feeling of security in the womb and has a calming and relaxing effect. Experts have been using this advantage for many years in therapies for children, elderly and disabled people. With specific turning and rocking, balance and movement disorders are counteracted, and hyperactivity and poor concentration are treated. Hammocks can release tension, improve the motor skill and the sense of balance, promote receptiveness or release excess energy. And what works well in therapy works during pregnancy. Hammocks and pregnancy – so that’s a good combination.

And after pregnancy?

Once the baby arrives, the life of the parents changes fundamentally one more time. However, one thing stays the same: the hammock than also has many advantages.

Optimal place for breastfeeding: Mothers can use the pleasant rocking movement while feeding the baby and relax not only the child, but also themselves. Hung in the garden or on the terrace, a hammock creates privacy and protects your baby and you from prying eyes.

Cozy nest for your baby: The rhythmical movement of a hammock give toddlers a relaxed start into life. The round back that babies have in the first four months is optimally protected and supported. At the same time, you train the sense of balance and coordination skill of your child. The relaxed posture of the baby in the hammock relieves the stain on the abdominal wall. The good thing about it: It can´t over-stretch. This can have a positive effect on abdominal cramps. Important: Pay attention to specific baby hammocks, which are tailored to the needs of your offspring and offer a nearly straight lying surface. Also they should be made out of a well-tolerated material. We manufacture our baby-hammocks exclusively from cotton. This is not only soft and cozy, but also particularly hygienic, as it can be washed with high temperatures. The older the baby gets, the longer it is awake and it begins to move more. Pay attention to your child´s individual signals and let them decide whether they feel comfortable in the hammock.

Safety comes first

It doesn´t matter the hammock is used to relax during pregnancy or later as a cozy nest for your child – in any case it’s important that mother and child swing safely. Don´t just check the attachment, but also make sure your child cannot fall out. So you swing happily and relaxed towards the birth or male sure that your baby glides comfortably and exhilarated through the first month of life.

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