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Fall asleep gently & dream well protected: Where babies sleep best

A child changes everything. Mealtimes, sleeping habits or the interacion as a couple. Suddenly there is someone who creates a whole new feeling in the heart. A feeling of love, connection and warmth. And suddenly there is someone who, with his laughter and crying - yes, with his whole being - fills a home with new life. Of course, parents want to protect and care for this new citizen and accompany them through the first months of their lives as well as possible. And the child's sleep plays a major role here, after all, babies need many phases of rest in order to process impressions, recharge theid batteries, grow and learn. But how many sleep do newborns actually need? Where do babies sleep best and how can you help them fall asleep ans stay asleep? We have the answers.

How much sleep do babies need?

How many hours newborns sleep varies greatly. Some babies get by with 9 hours, others even need twice as much. During the day, newborns sleep between 2 and 4 hours straight, at night between 4 and 6 hours on average. This is a particularly challenging time for parents. The good news: Over time, the child's sleep phases at night lenghten, while the naps during the day become shorter and shorter. At half a year old, babies therefore only need sleep phases three times a day, and at one year old only twice, while they often sleep through the night. After 1.5 years they usually get by with an afternoon nap.

Where do babies sleep best?

A suitable, safe and comfortable sleeping enviroment is the be-all and end-all for children at the beginning of their lives. On the one hand, this rules out the possibility of sudden infant death syndrome. On the other hand, you ensure that your offspring can develop optimally. In particular, make sure thet your baby can breath easily and does not overheat. One indication that the room is too hot is if your child is sweating around the neck. In the first few months, a seperate bed in the parents' bedroom is the best solution. So you have your ofspring within reach. At the same time, the parents' breathing sounds can have a positive influence on the baby's breathing. Especially in the first weeks of lofe, newborns feel particularly comfortable in a cradle or bassinet, as the sleeping space here is not too big. Ideally, the room in which the bed is located has a temperature of around 16 to 18 degrees and is ventilated at least once a day. The mattress of the newborn should be as firm and air-permeable, but a pillow, fur or cuddly toys are not required in the first year of life. In general, the motto is: Less is more, because a lot of it could hinder the baby when breathing or restrict air circulation. Many rely on a baby sleeping bag. The advantage: It can't be kicked away or pulled over the head. But be careful: the neckline shoul not be larger than the head of the newborn so that it doesn' t slip in. Also, make sure that your child's crib is not in direct contact with a radiator or in the sun.When it comes to clotihng, diapers, underware and pajamas aere sufficient - and less in summer. And most importantly, babies should always sleep on their backs. On the other hand, if your baby is awake and active, you can lay him on his stomach to strengthen the neck and back muscles. If the baby finally starts to spin by itself after a few months, you can let it slimber in this position as well.

Can you let babies sleep in a hammock?

For expectant mothers, hammock can provide calmness and relaxiation thanks to their gentle swing. But what about newborns? Can you let babies sleep in a hammock? The answer is: Yes! Provided you follow a few principles: First of all, it is important tha you get yourself a special children's hammock. Such hammocks have the advantage that they are completely tailored to the needs of newborns and are made of well-tolerated and hygienic materials. We make our children's hammocks exclusively from cotton, because it meets all these criteria and is also cozy. Also, make sure that your child cannot fall out. If you have taken these preparations, nothing stands in the way of a relaxed nap in the baby hammock. The rhythmic movements can even help babies fall asleep, similar to a cradle. in addition, the round back that newvorns have in the first four months can develop optimally in hammocks, tha abdominal wall is relieved and the child cannot overextend. In this way abdominal cramps sometimes disappear into thin air. the baby's sense of balance and coordination also benetifs fram a siesta in the hammock

How can you help babies fall asleep and stay asleep?

You can use these tips to help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep:

Rituals: Children and babies love rituals. Therefore find a suitable evening ritual. This can be, for example, a gentle massage or a bath after feeding. A cuddle unit, a bedtime song or a musil box are also well suited. Pay attention to regularity and always put your baby in bed at the same time in order to train his internal clock.

Seperate day and night: Help your newborn to clearly seperate day and night. For example, if he wakes up at night, turn on only a small amount of the lights and speak to him quietly. This is how you convey to your baby that the night is meant for sleeping. In addition, the sleeping area should not be used for playing

Fall asleep alone: At the beginning, parents often don't want to put their baby down and they usually prefer to fall asleep in their arms. Even so, gradually get your child used to falling asleep on their own. So put it down when it is very sleepy and don't take it out of bed again afterwards.

Patience is required

Every child is different and what is good for one may not be effective for another. Patience is therefore required. You may need to try a few bedtime rituals to find the one that works. Don't let other parents bother you and dont' compare your family to other families. Instead, concentrate on you and your child and give them the security they need.

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