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Mindful through Advent: Tips for more mindfulness during the Christmas season

Advent is the time of brightly lit windows, cookies, scents and gifts. And it should be a quiet time. Because at the end of the year we should reflect on the essentials, calm down, take time for our loved ones and put an end to the old to be ready for the new. But many don´t succeed. Instead, they struggle with time pressure and social expectations: It's about finding the right gift for every family member and friend, cooking the perfect Christmas menu on Christmas Eve and getting the house in shape for the crowd of guests. The quietest time often turns into a particularly stressful one. But that need not be! How about a mindful Advent season this year? We have the right tips for you to be more mindful during the Christmas season!

More mindfulness during the Christmas season: our tips

First of all: Actually, you only need to look out the window or take a walk, because there is someone out there who is our best teacher when it comes to mindfulness. Yes, we are talking about nature. She's going full throttle again in autumn, shows herself in her most colorful dress and lets fruit and vegetables ripen before shifting down a gear. So one last flare-up before she consciously steps back to gather strength for spring. We humans should do the same: Ideally, you should complete particularly time-consuming and stressful projects as early as November - this also includes choosing gifts - so that you can concentrate on other things in December. And then it can start, your mindful Advent. Here are some more mindfulness tips for the holiday season:

1.)   Breathe consciously: The breath plays such a big role in our lives. But most people don't even know that because they never consciously pay attention to it. Deep inhaling and exhaling, into the stomach and very consciously, has a calming effect and brings us into the moment. Start each day of Advent with a few conscious breaths. You can also incorporate this exercise into your everyday life from time to time if stress is imminent.

2.)   Focus on one thing: We watch a series, write a message on the cell phone at the same time and cook a meal next to it. Do you recognize yourself in this scenario? We have become a multitasking species - many cannot do otherwise. However, it is better to do things one after the other and thus consciously. Therefore, always concentrate on one thing and avoid distractions such as smartphones, TV, radio & Co.

3.)   Train your senses: This one is closely related to the previous mindfulness tip: If you always do three things at the same time and allow yourself to be distracted by many things, your senses will also atrophy. Therefore, try to pay more attention to your senses again and perceive everything intensively. How does the food taste? How does the fragrance oil smell? How does the snowflake on the tip of your nose feel? Make yourself aware. It gets even more intense when you try to put your feelings into words. Maybe a mindfulness journal will help you?

4.)   Break out of your routine: The writer Paolo Coelho is said to have once said: "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine." And there is a lot of truth in that. Because if you do the same thing day after day and never dare to break out of your usual path, you run the risk of taking everything for granted and living as if remotely controlled. Change processes every now and then, try new things and let life surprise you. This is how your mind stays awake.

5.)   Go for a walk: Many of the tips already mentioned for more mindfulness can be combined when walking. You train your senses by consciously paying attention to your surroundings, concentrating on your feet and your breathing. By the way, going for a walk helps you sort your thoughts. And some knowledge lies in the middle of the way - you will see! In addition, if you occasionally choose a different lap or turn left instead of right at the next intersection, your mind will be happy about the small outburst.

6.)   Create a retreat: Most of us have a strict schedule and a busy schedule. There is hardly any time for quiet moments. These are immensely important. Our brain loves rituals because it knows exactly what is expected of it. So it can be helpful to plan a very personal place of retreat and a rest ritual. The former can be the sofa or a reading chair, but also a special place in the forest or on a riverbank. Our hammocks and hanging chairs are also ideal for this. Meditation or relaxing music helps many as a rest ritual, while others consciously take the time to read or draw. And some even succeed in the supreme discipline: doing nothing.

7.)   Spend time with your loved ones: Dthe holiday season should be a time for personal conversations, friendships and relationships. Surprise your partner with a nice message, knock on your friend's door again or meet up with parents and siblings. By the way: If you go through life mindfully, you can feel the magic of interpersonal relationships even with strangers in everyday life. Next time tell your favorite baker how much you like his creations. Smile at the old lady on the tram. Or buy the neighbor boy some cookies.

8.)   Practice gratitude: Criticizing, complaining and whining is easy - we are often masters at it. But what about the opposite? How good are you at gratitude? When you become aware of what you have already achieved in life, what great people you are surrounded by or what a beautiful place you live in, you immediately feel more complete. In the evening, write down three things you are grateful for. Not only does this work in the moment itself, but you can also dig out this collection in moments of doubt. Then you become aware of the abundance in your life instead of a lack.

Focus on the little things in life

Researchers have found that, on average, it takes us between three weeks and three months for a new activity or lifestyle to become a habit. So if you incorporate our mindfulness tips into Advent, you are laying a good foundation for improving your life in general. But don't be too strict with yourself either: have fun and enjoy the little things in life! We wish you and your loved ones a magical Christmas time!

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