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Mühlviertlerisch, the language of the CHICO hammocks: Our dictionary of the Mühlviertler dialect for beginners

Gentle hills, mystical granite formations and the treetops of the Bohemian Forest - all of this is typical of the Mühlviertel, the home of CHICO hammocks. Because it is here, in the border triangle, not far from the Czech and German borders, that our pretty everyday companions are made. But the Mühlviertel is also known for its unique dialect. The locals call out a friendly "Griaß di" (Good day) to each other and then like to "ratschen" (chat) and "kudan" (laugh) on the "Sunbeng" (Sun bench) - but only "a Neichtl" (a while), because most of them are "drawi" (in a hurry). Even with this sentence, outsiders have trouble understanding everything. It gets even trickier when the Mühlviertel residents roam "tramhappat" (sleepy) and "bloahappat" (barefoot) through the "Gachtl" (Garden) to inspect the "Gmias" (Vegetables), but is "feigelt" (not working) during the harvest. Then the “Bacht” (bread) has to be eaten without a side dish – well, hopefully there is at least a “Schedl” (cake) or “Foamnudeln” (Austrian cream pastry) with the coffee. Although: Nobody makes concessions here anyway, just as little as promises – it is better to say: “Schau ma moi” , often supplemented with “... donn seng ma(s) scho” (both - We´ll see). So, is everything clear so far? Don't worry: If you haven't understood all the words yet, the answer is right here. Because we have collected a few Mühlviertel expressions that are characteristic of the area and that beginners should know.

The Mühlviertel: Rich in dialects and variations

Before we look at the list, it should be said that even though the Mühlviertel, with its 3,000 square kilometers, is a manageable area compared to other regions, some regional dialectal differences have nevertheless developed within this area. For example, Mühlviertel residents who live in the Rohrbach district often use different expressions than those who grew up in Freistadt. Added to this is the fact that the emphasis and pronunciation can also vary - depending on whether you are on the Bohemian or Bavarian border, in the middle of the province or already in urban areas. And sound shifts have also developed. A few examples:

  • The sound shift “eo” and “oi”: In parts of the Rohrbach district, the "o" in many words is pronounced "eo". "Dorf" (Village) becomes "Deof", "Hochzeit" (Wedding) becomes "Heozat" and "Rohrbach" becomes "Reowa". But there are also a number of places that pronounce the "o" as "oi". Here you live in the middle of the "Doif", get ready for the "Hoizeit" or visit the district capital "Roiwa".
  • The suffix “el”: The pronunciation of the final syllable "el" also varies in words such as "Nebel" (fog), "Stiefel" (boots) or "Schimmel" (mold). While in the northwestern part of the Mühlviertel people talk about "Newö", "Stiefö" and "Schimmö", in places further southeast they are more likely to say "Nöwe", "Stüfe" and "Schümme".

Small selection of Mühlviertel dialect expressions

Anyone who travels through the Mühlviertel not only immerses themselves in an exciting region between the Bohemian Forest, the Danube Gorges and the Eferding Basin, but also comes across new dialect variations and expressions. A small selection:

·         Griaß di: Good day, hello – with this greeting you can’t go wrong in Upper Austria

·         ratschen: chat, gossip

·         kudan: giggle, laugh

·         Sunbeng: Bench in the sun, traditionally stands in front of the yard or house

·         a Neichtl: inaccurate time indication – it can be either five or 50 minutes

·         drawi: hurry, be in a hurry

·         bloahappat: barefoot, without shoes

·         tramhappat: dreamy, sleepy

·         Gachtl: Garden

·         Gmias: Vegetables

·         feigeln: not working, difficult to accomplish

·         Bacht: Bread, pastries

·         Schedl: Cake or expression for flat dishes that are baked in a pan

·         Schau ma moi: possibly, perhaps, may be, it remains to be seen

·         Rein, Reindl: flat, smaller vessel for cooking, frying and baking

·         Foamnudel: Schaumrolle (Austrian cream pastry), traditionally sold at fairs

·         egasten: back then

·         hudeln: in a hurry, but in a clumsy manner

·         Zega: Basket, bucket, backpack

·         Zuagroasta/-e: Foreigner

·         Dosiga/-e: Native

·         Klescher: Bang, collision or not quite right in the head

·         sierig: angry, irritated

·         entarisch: scary, mysterious, mystical

·         Wodei: Duckling

·         Singei, Singerl, Wuserl: chick


Regionally rooted, internationally inspired

Pretty interesting, isn't it? But even though our CHICO hammocks and CHICO hammock chairs, like us, have their roots here, they also look great in any other scenario. For example, in front of a hut in the middle of the Alps, in a garden in green Styria, on the balcony of a city apartment in Vienna or on a terrace with a view of Lake Neusiedl. Or how about as a cozy accessory for a vacation home in Croatia, as a gift for friends in Italy or as an ideal addition to a camper van that can drive across Europe? Whatever it is, our products promise a good portion of comfort in any case.

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