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Meditating in a hammock: tips for beginners

6 o´clock in the morning. The alarm clock is ringing. We grab our smartphones, check emails, social media channels and news so we don´t miss anything. Meanwhile, the cup fills with coffee. We burn our lips with impatience, make us a sandwich with jam and are out the door in the next minute. At work, appointment follows appointment. Barely time to catch your breath. In the evening the fitness center calls and then you learn for further training. Many of us are caught in a fast-paced hamster wheel. And many of us are craving ways to slow down, be more ourselves, and focus on what matters most. Some discover jogging as a balance, others go on pilgrimages and still others regularly roll out the yoga mat. Many now also swear by meditation. True to her nature, she has quietly and secretly made her way into our hearts. Would you like to learn more about it? Then you are exactly right here!

Meditating - what is that anyway?

Meditation is a spiritual practice meant to calm the mind and expand consciousness. It can already look back on a long tradition and is practiced in very different cultures, with each religion and culture having produced its own method. Therefore, there are both active and passive meditation techniques, those that use relaxing music and those that involve chanting mantras. Silence and mindfulness meditations also have their place in this potpourri. However, all meditation styles have one thing in common: the focus is always on the breath. It forms the basis for the various mindfulness and concentration exercises, which serve to find your own center, to think, to ponder, to arrive in the here and now and with yourself. 

What does it take to meditate?

Basically, you just need some time. And a comfortable place where you can be yourself. You sit or lie down, close your eyes, consciously breathe in and out. And lets thoughts come and go. That's all it takes to meditate. Still, it's not as easy as it sounds. Our head, or more precisely our brain, is to blame for this. According to researchers, 60,000 thoughts buzz around there every day. Some positives, but also a lot of negatives. And this torrent has to be mastered first of all. Many find it difficult to switch off once in order to subsequently feel the deeper effects of meditation at all. However, if you make it, you will at best benefit from more serenity, harmony and inner freedom. Anxiety, depression or stress is counteracted. That's why the same applies to meditation: practice makes perfect.

Meditate - Tips for Beginners

Want to get started? Then we have six tips for meditating for beginners:

1.) Choose a suitable place: Meditating can only work where you feel comfortable and can be yourself. Therefore, it is important that you find a comfortable, distraction-free spot where you can easily switch off. This can be on the sofa, on the carpet or in the middle of the meadow. Our hammocks and hammock chairs are also ideal for a meditation break. The advantage: the fabric nestles gently against your body and the slight motion gives you a feeling of security. This can be extremely helpful when meditating.

2.) Dress comfortably: Choose a comfortable outfit that you feel comfortable in. It doesn't necessarily have to be the training pants, but you shouldn't be too hot or too cold. Also, your clothes shouldn't make any distracting noises, such as rustling or jingling, that could distract you.

3.) Find the optimal position: In principle, it is up to you in which sitting or lying position you start your meditation, but the lotus, tailor's or heel seat have become established. If you want to meditate on the floor, it is best to roll up a blanket or get a yoga or meditation cushion to sit on. This position may be unfamiliar at first, but this way you don't run the risk of your feet and legs falling asleep. Then consciously align your body so that you are both stable and relaxed during the meditation session. If you have a meditation or yoga cushion ready, the best way to do this is to sit at the front edge. Tilt your pelvis up slightly, straighten your spine, let your shoulders fall back slightly, and tilt your chin toward your chest to straighten your cervical spine. Now put your hands on your knees or loosely in your lap. You can also take one of the well-known sitting positions in the hammock or hanging chair.

4.) Concentrate on your breath: Now consciously direct your attention to your breath. Feel the rise and fall of your abdominal wall, consciously perceive the breath you exhale or count the breaths. If you have a hard time with this, you can also use a mantra and say it either silently or out loud. "Om" is a good place to start. The sound of the "Om" is said to describe the primordial sound of the universe and to create a particularly harmonious vibration. But it can also be something like "I am enough" or "It is what it is".

5.) Be patient: Beginners often make the mistake of being impatient and expecting an immediate effect. However, you must give yourself, your body and your mind time. At the beginning, accept the merry-go-round of thoughts in your head. You will see: little by little it will slow down and you will learn to let your thoughts go. The so-called body scan is a good starting point. You consciously perceive every single part of your body. Start at the top of your head at the crown of your head or at your forehead and then scan your entire body. How does the mouth feel? What feeling comes up when you think about your shoulders? And can you locate your belly button? Consciously let feelings come and go and do the body scan two to three times.

6.) Develop a ritual: The last of our meditating tips for beginners has a lot to do with your routine. Remember: Only those who stick with it and meditate regularly will reap the benefits. It is therefore essential that you integrate meditation into your everyday life. Consciously create downtime and consider meditation as important as eating or working. Some use the first few minutes of the day for morning meditation, others find it easier to rest in the evening - try it out and find your optimal time!

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