Fasting is trendy. And it has been for centuries. Because, regardless of whether it is Christianity, Judaism or Islam – conscious abstinence has always played a major role in many religions. But even people across the globe who are not believers now swear by this practice. No wonder, because fasting combines many advantages: If you choose the classic version and limit your food intake, you give your body a valuable break, help it to flush out toxic substances and gain new strength. Depending on the fasting goal, people sometimes find more clarity, inner peace, inspiration and motivation or become more relaxed on this journey lasting several days or even several weeks. However, it doesn't always have to mean giving up meat, sugar, alcohol or other unfavorable foods; in our fast-moving, complex world it also makes sense to consciously leave other things alone for a while. We have therefore collected a few ideas for fasting alternatives.
Those new to fasting usually use the well-known Lent period from Ash Wednesday to Easter for this purpose. This period of time is well suited for this because many people have a fasting goal in mind during these weeks - so you are not alone and may be able to persevere better. Likewise, 40 days is a manageable time to give up things or establish new routines. Additionally, you can see Lent as a countdown from winter to spring. And if it finally blooms all around you, you too have developed further. A perspective that can be inspiring. And these are our fasting ideas:
Avoid plastic: Whether milk and yoghurt in a glass, vegetables fresh and unpackaged from the market or cosmetics and care products without synthetic ingredients - there are many options for reducing plastic in everyday life or foregoing it completely. Not only do you save waste, but you also do good for the environment.
Relinquish the car: Are there distances that you travel by car even though they could easily be covered on foot or by bike? Or would it even be possible to carpool with colleagues or neighbors? Then try it out and use the fasting period to reduce your intake or abstain completely.
Avoid media: From television to social networks on smartphones – we are surrounded by media every day. And for some people, their consumption has already gotten out of hand. The result: You become restless without the constant flood of information. You too? Then swap the TV for running shoes after work, don't buy anything online for 40 days or limit your screen time to one hour a day.
Refrain from worrying: Admittedly, it sounds too good to be true – saying goodbye to negative thoughts. And it doesn't always work right away. But it's definitely worth a try. During Lent, switch down a gear, start meditating, practice mindfulness and let negative thoughts move on quickly. The best way to do this is in a place where you feel completely comfortable - like in our CHICO hammocks and hammock chairs. It doesn't matter whether you use it in your own four walls or use it to catch the first warm spring rays of sunshine outside.
Avoid saying “yes”: This fasting alternative is closely related to this: Are you one of those people who constantly say “yes” to tasks, people or conventions, even though they actually dislike them? And afterwards there is dissatisfaction? Then question requests and requests more thoroughly from now on and give yourself at least a minute to respond to them. This time window alone provides more clarity and you do more things that really suit you and your beliefs.
Avoid soft drinks: Many people find it difficult to drink water because they find it too boring. That's why they resort to juices and soft drinks, which often contain a lot of sugar. On the other hand, if you only drink tap water for 40 days, you not only give your taste buds a “reset”, but also learn to appreciate your local water more again.
Give up possessions: 10,000 things – that’s how many there are in a household on average. For comparison: 100 years ago we still got by with around 180 items. For many people, objects are now piling up and we actually don't need many of them at all. You can also use Lent to clear out and clear out and get rid of one thing every day.
Avoid sitting: Or how about sitting fasting? The best remedy for this is a pedometer that reminds you to integrate daily exercise units into your everyday life. Or you can get a height-adjustable desk for your home office.