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CHICO hammocks in care facilities: Visiting the Hartheim Institute

Ilinchova. That´s what Alkoven used to be called. Located 16 kilometers west of the provincial capital Linz and not far from the Danube, the Eferdinger municipality includes one of the most beautiful Renaissance castles in Austria. Above all, Alkoven is known for a model company: the Hartheim Institute. It was built in the 1960s and has been expanded several times since then. Today we would like to tell you a bit about it and tell you what the care facility has to do with our CHICO hammocks.

A safe haven for disabled people

As we already know, the Hartheim Institute has its headquarters in Alkoven. It goes back to the first initiatives from the 19th century. Today, 550 people with cognitive and multiple impairments are cared for here and accompanied on their individual path through life. In addition to this headquarters, the institute also has a dozen branch offices, all of which offer customers a comprehensive support and care concept. The palette ranges from partially and fully supervised living concepts to medical-therapeutic offers to work and experience groups in which people find activities that are tailored to their personality. So one can rightly say: The Hartheim Institute offers people with disabilities much more than just a roof over their heads or an activity - here they find a home and a community. In other words: a safe haven.

"CHICO hammocks are good for people"

Of course, at the end of the 19th century, the first supervisors – a handful of spiritual sisters – had no idea that it would come to this and that their vision would develop so flourishingly. The fact that 680 specialist social workers, nursing assistants and qualified social workers would do such valuable work here every day is something they probably would not have dared to dream of either. And then there is also the modern facility, which has very little in common with the beginnings: the Hartheim Institute has all kinds of therapy equipment, utensils for being creative, an indoor pool – and even a climbing area. And - maybe you can already imagine it - of course our CHICO hammocks should not be missing in the Hartheim Institute care facility. They dangle in the living areas, for example. "It feels like we've been using them forever," laughs Petra Fosen-Schlichtinger, who has been part of the team for 31 years and is responsible for public relations and donations. "Joking aside - we've certainly been using them for twenty years," she adds. And that has the following reason: “We are open to new therapeutic approaches and are therefore always on the lookout for new aids that make everyday life easier for people here or enrich their lives. And the CHICO hammocks are simply good for the customers. They were also the most comfortable hammocks we have tried and have a therapeutic effect.”

Hammocks as an important part of therapy

This is exactly why they are also used in the therapy room. If customers are restless and fidgety, they help to relax and calm them down - often in combination with music. “We also use it to practice lying on our stomachs and sides, as well as getting up and putting on shoes while sitting. Many different muscles are trained and the person has to actively participate. And we also use the CHICO hammocks for balance training,” reveals physiotherapist Lisa Hecker. In the case of customers who cannot speak, their behavior usually reveals whether they like the exercise or not: if a restless patient is finally calmer and more relaxed, this also means relief for the patient and the staff. “We are also very satisfied with CHICO's customer service. It would be great if the CHICO hammocks were height-adjustable so staff of different heights at our care facility could hoist customers in and out of the mat more easily,” says the team.

At the top of the wish list

Incidentally, if a company would like to sponsor something helpful for the institute, the CHICO hammocks are regularly at the top of customers' wish lists. And some of the employees also enjoy a break at home in their private CHICO hammock after the working day. Honestly: For us at CHICO there is no nicer feedback than this!

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