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A hammock tells stories from the life of a durable hammock

Hammocks are full of stories. Especially when it comes to robust and durable hammocks that accompany us for a large part of our lives. Your want to hear examples? Gladly, because today we´ll let the hammock tell the story for itself. Yes, that´s right, we asked one of our unique pices, one of our hammocks, all of which have a long service life. And you can find out what she has to say in the blog.

The first summer under the apple tree

Hello, my name is hammock. My life began in the 1980s. I was one of the first to leave the CHICO headquarters in Oepping and was allowed to go out into the wide world. Well, I didn´t get that far, because my owner Katharina took me to Ulrichsberg. The radio was playing Wham!´s "Wake me up before you go-go" and the smell of daffodils was in the air when she walked me out into the garden and tied me between the apple trees. I was allowed to spread out and snuggle up close to her all summer long. And every now and then to the cat Findus. We looked up at the sky together, built castles in the air and I secretly read along when Katharina opend a book. And I can still hear her smacking her lips happily when she's enjoying a cake. Didn´t crumbs land on me, you ask yourself? Well yes, every now and then. But that didn't bother me, after all she washed me carefully when autumn was announced. Shortly before the leaves changed color, I was even allowed to travel with her and strech myself between her caravan and a tree in South Tyrol - with a view of the vineyards.

Encounter with the enemy

As the temperatures began to drop and it became increasingly frosty, I had to say goodbye to the apple trees and make myself comfortable in the basement among the supplies and garden furniture. At least that was my plan. One night I suddenly heard a shrill noise. A cold shiver ran over my fabric. Is that one of my biggest enemies? Oh please don't! And then the beeping and chirping got louder and I saw it darting across the floor: the mouse. She mustn't catch me! I have to get out of here! But how? While I was still thinking, she came closer and closer to me and began to sniff me. Help, does anyone hear me? And then he suddenly jumped down the stairs to me, my rescuer: Findus! The cat grabbed the mouse in a flash and held the gift under Katharina's nose. At first she laughed, but then her eyes fell on me. She could probably sense my fear, because from that point on I was allowed into a plastic box. And the mice couldn't nibble on me anymore

A new companion

When the first crocuses fought their way trough the earth and the last snow disappeared, I was allowed to go outside to the apple trees again. I let the spring sun warm me and looked forward to the first reading lessons with Katharina and Findus. But one thing had changed: Suddenly we were no longer just three, but four. Katharina's friend Paul came to visit more and more often. From then on there was less reading, more cuddling, less staring into the air, but more kissing. And it was not uncommon for the two of them to laugh until late at night - directly under the starry sky. A few years later, I briefly thought I was aging prematurely because somehow my strength seemed to be failing. As a robust hammock that still has a long service life ahead of it, you naturally ask yourself: How can that be? But then I noticed that Katharina's belly had started to grow and I knew that there would soon be five of us. When Antonia saw the liht of day a few months later, I also got a new companion: a children's hammock for the little one with a wooden frame moved in with us. Suddenly there was more reading again - namely quite a few stories for Antonia. And while she slept in the small hammock, I was allowed to take care of Katharina, Paul and Findus again.

Clinking glasses and glowing garlands

Maximilian soon followed Maximilian. Oh what a bright boy that was! We often couldn't get out of the swing for hours. We had to say goodbye to Findus sometime betwee Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" and Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5" in the 1990s. i often miss his purr, but who knows, maybe he's watching us from cat heaven. In the meantime, the two children have long since left the house and the little hammock is in Antonia's garden - ready for a new citizen: her baby is to be born in spring. Just in time for daffodils. On the other hand, I am already looking forward to my spot under the apple trees and the next garden party. Because since Katharina and Paul are alone again, the neighbors come to visit more often. Then the glasses jingle and a beautiful garland of lights dangles above me.

We write stories with you

So now I've got a few years under my belt - or rather, on the fabric. But Katharina and Paul always took care of me, cleaned me when I was dirty and one summer they even gave me a new rope. So I dare to say with pride: I have held up very well for my age! And as a robust and durable hammock, I still have a lot planned! Because it's the stories and memories like these that I burn for as a hammock. And who knows, maybe you'll bring one of my conspecifics home with you. I bet you would be a brilliant duo at writing beautiful life stories!

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