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Why reading is important and why we are part of the "StadtLesen" campaign

The world is becoming more digital every day. Instead of writing holiday postcards, we now send Whatsapp messages. Instead of reading the user manual for a shelf, we look for an assembly video. And instead of sticking our noses in a book, we stream movies. It seems as if traditional reading and writing are taking a backseat. But it´s not quite like that - fortunately. Because although we find ourselves in a world that is becoming ever faster and more digital, on the other hand a great longing for the analog, the tangible, the always-there awakens in us. The result: Records, Polaroid cameras and writing letters are experiencing a renaissance. And books are not so easy to banish from our everyday lives. No wonder, because reading is important. And many a person gets into raptures just by leafing through a tome on the bookshelf. But the question is: why exactly is reading so important? We have collected a few reasons, tell you more about the reading festival "StadtLesen", which we are supporting again, and have a book tip ready for you.

Why is reading important? 5 reasons

"Of all the worlds that man has created, that of books is the mightiest." - This quote goes back to the writer Heinrich Heine. And outlines what reading is all about: books open doors to new worlds. To fantastic universes. But also to new insights. Or they lead right into our human inner being. They make us marvel, laugh, cry, think. And that's not all:

1.)  Reading makes you smart: Anyone who reads learns new things. And thereby expands his knowledge. There are also studies that show that the smartest and most successful people are those who learn regularly and consciously. And many still prefer to do this by picking up a book. Reading also keeps our brain fit. Because the mental stimulation that is set in motion by reading promotes our ability to think and our ability to remember. Along with this comes the fact that reading can increase our attention span and improve our ability to focus and communicate. By the way, we expand our vocabulary.

2.)   Reading makes you empathetic: Reading promotes empathy. Because stories give us insight into the lives of others, allow us to change perspectives or think outside the box. So we deal with the realities of life of others and that strengthens our understanding for each other.

3.)   Reading relaxes: Anyone who immerses themselves in a story for several hours and forgets the world around them usually feels more relaxed after reading, the head is clear and everyday worries have vanished into thin air. Reading is therefore one of the most effective relaxation methods.

4.)   Reading makes you creative: It's like a paint box: the more colors an artist has available, the more colorful the picture will be. Applied to reading, this means that the more we read and deal with different stories, writing styles and narrative forms, the more creative we become. Reading also inspires our imagination, strengthens our resilience and makes us braver to break new ground.

5.)   reading entertains: After all, reading is also one of the most popular leisure activities because it entertains and enriches - almost free of charge and in a sustainable way. And readers are now spoiled for choice, as more and more genres see the light of day.


CHICO and the StadtLesen campaign

You can literally turn and turn the page - one thing is certain: reading is important! And books and hammocks - they go really well together. That's exactly why we at CHICO have been taking part in the "StadtLesen" reading festival for more than ten years. This offers bookworms reading pleasure in the open air and with free admission - in 25 cities. From Berlin to Cologne. And from Linz to Innsbruck. More than 3,000 books and lots of comfortable seating - as well as our CHICO hammocks - are available at various locations. Authors provide impulses and read from their works.

Our book tip

For those who prefer to relax in the hammock at home and still need suitable reading material for this, we have a book tip ready: With his work "Wunderland der Gartenfantasie" our long-standing partner and adventure gardener Reinhard Kittenberger takes readers on a journey through his garden happiness in Schiltern and shares stories and experiences between spring buds and green favorite places - including emotional rollercoaster rides. Those who are interested can learn how he created his “realm of enchantment”. But beware: the contagion with the garden virus is high! The work is supplemented by unique garden photographs, practice-oriented tips on garden care, plant pruning and the like, as well as a phenological calendar.
By the way: In June we are planning a blog post on the subject of gardens - you can be curious.



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