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An ideal companion: tips for buying a hammock

Relax, read, listen to music, cuddle - the hammock is the perfect place for many things. And once you get used to the soothing rocking movement, you don't want to do without it anymore. But before that happens, the perfect hammock has to be found first.We therefore give you tips for buying a hammock as well as some food for thoughts. We also tell you what else you should pay attention to when it comes to hammocks.  

Important  preliminary considerations

Before you buy, you should consider a few basic things:

Where does the hammock go? Would you like to chill in the garden between trees? Or have you prepared a spot on the terrace for a hammock with a stand? do you want to take the hammock with you when you travel or just set it up in the weekend cottage every now and then or next to the pool? Should it be flexible and portable or will it have a fixed location? All of this will help you decide wether you want a hammock with or without a stand and determine which extras such as ropes, hooks, care products or transport utensiils you need. By the way: In small apartments and in all those corners where there is not enough space for a hammock, our hammock chairs make their grand entrance.

Which material do you prefer? Do you value sustainability and naturalness? Then cotton hammocks are just the thing for you. On the other hand, if your hammock should be weatherproof, then you are better off with a polyester version.So the choice of material not only has to do with your own preferences, but also where you want to use the hammock. And it is closely related to the question of how much time you can devote to care properly for the hammock.

Who is allowed in the hammock? Is the hammock just for you? Then a single hammock is perfect. You prefer to relax as a couple or with the family? Then bring home a double hammock. DYou are searching for a hammock for your baby? Then give your baby moments of well-being in a hammock specially developed for children.

What should the hammock look like? In the last step, it comes down to the nitty-gritty - or rather to the colored. Should the new everyday companion be monocolored or colorful? Which colors suit your interior? Or may he hammock deliberately create an interesting contrast? Each hammock can also be spiced up and individualized with matching accessoires such as cushoins or blankets.

Tips on space, quality, care & Co. 

In addition, we will giveyou further tips on the subject of buying a hammock along the way:

Space requirement: You can find the exact measurements for each product in our shop. in addition, you should ass about 50 cm to the front and back in the direction of the swing. With the hammock chair, it is best all around. Depending on the material, you also need some space to store the hammock in winter or on cool nights - for example a room in the basement, in the garage or in a storage room. Cotton hammocks in particular should be protected form (waterlogged) moisture! It is therefore best to take them inside in the evening. And: store them mouse-proof! Because the little rodents mainly use the winter months to nibble on the soft tissue.

Quality features: Pay attention to details! The thickness of the fabric plays a big role, for example, as does wether the fabric is woven as a whole or wether it was cut off at the ends and then only sewn. The first variant is of higher wuality because a seam prevants a fabricfrom being evenly streched and can easily unravel. The result: holes appear. In the case of hammocks with sticks, the processing of the wood is also important: Are the holes drilled cleanly and at an angle to prevent the ropes and cords from fraying? And with frames, easy handling is the trump card: Can the frame simply be put away if necessary or does it have to be laboriously disassembled or assembled? Are the metal patrs galvanized or better still of stainless steel?

The Legal: If you live in a rented appartment, it is important to clarify beforehand wether you are allowed to attach wall or ceiling attachment. Older apartments are often a tricky subject when it comes to hammock chair assembly. Because of the hanging ceilings, it is difficult to find a point that meets the static requirements. We have therefore come up with solutions that you can use to attach the hammock chair to the side of the wall.

Cleaning supplies: If you have decided on a wooden frame, remember that you also need products for this so that you can treat the frame with a new coat of paint every now and then. So get yourself glazes right away - no paint! For a stainless stell frame, on the other hand, aou need a care spray so that it shines in the long term and you protect it from rust film. You can find the right utensils in specialist shops or in our online shop.

Testing the hammock

You would like to test hammocks in advance and need a specific product advice? Then you are in good hands with one of our retailers. Of course, we are particularly happy about lively visits to our sale outlets in Oepping and Vienna!

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