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Bread & Games: Tips for a picnic in the hammock

Panem et circenses. The Romans already enjoyed this combination. It means nothing but bread and games. A picnic is one way to combine culinary delights with entertainment and to immerse yourself in the soothing spheres of nature. As soon as magnolias and cherry trees herald spring with their colorful blosoms, we bathe in happiness and want to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. And with a blanket, picnic basket, the right entertainment and culinary delicacies, the time outside can be savored wonderfully in the truest sense of the word.. But it doesn´t always have to be the classic picnic - how about a picnic in a hammock? Alone, with the person you love, the children or your best friend? We give tips for a successful picnic in the hammock and tell you about suitable games.

Picnicking in the hammock: the basics

When having a picnic, the first thing that matters is finding the right spot. If you own a hammock with ropes, you can go in search of an idyllic place in the great outdoors. On the other hand, if you have a hammock with a frame, you can organize the picnic directly on the terace or in the garden. Isn´t that adventurous enough? Are you kidding me? Because in life it´s the little things that count: It can be incredibly exhilarating to break out of your own routine and not have coffee and cake at the dining table as usual, but instead enjoy it outside. With a view of the sky, the smell of fresh grass and the chirping of birds in the air. You´ll see it pays off!

The basics for a hammock picnic are similar to those you need for a classic picnic. However, sinse you do´nt eat and drink on a level surface, you should take a few things to heart: Don´t use utensils that can break easily. Cardboard dishes, for example, have proven their worth. Those who want to do something good for the enviroment, on the other hand, use robust ceramic bowls. In general, bowls are better than plates for a picnic in the hammock because nothing can tumble onto the fabric. A good substitude for drinking glasses are manson jars with lids and straws. Their advantage: You can close them, which means that insects don´t stand a chance. Or maybe you focus on bottled drinks in general. You can also take a bucket of ice cubes or a cool bag with you. So the lively companions not only stay cool, but also don´t tip over or break. When it comes to food, you should be careful not to pocess or take away any perishable foods that do not tolerate the sun well or can easily be crushed. Therefore, avoidcheese, bananas, pastries with cream or sweets with chocolate. Light salads, fruit salads, desserts in glasses, fruit in its skin that can be eaten straight away, and the entire range of finger foods are better: from dips that are eaten with nibbles, to pre-cut slices of pizza and tarte flambee to wraps. Also cut bread - wether as a sandwich or a side dish - inot slices or bite-sized pieces beforehand. So you even save the cutlery. If you want to enjoy more culinary delights in the hammock, you can take a small table with you and place the food and drinks on it. You may also need a corkscrew, food storage containers in case you have any leftovers, and napkins.

Picnicing in the hammock: the freestyle

Once you´ve found the ideal spot, it´s all about the trappings. The right accompaniment ensures good conversations, a small radio for the right background music and a book for the necessary pinch of literature. A picnic in tha hammock is also the ideal opportunity to rediscover old games. A couple of options:

Three in a row: The classic that mostpeople know with pen and paper also works outside. You can limit the playing field with blades of grass or string, the pieces can be real pebbles - for example in two different colors or shapes.

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Honestly, when was the last time you matched someone in Rock, Paper, Scissors discipline? This calls for a revival!

Boccia:.The game with the heavy balls never goes out of fashion and can also be played from the comfort of a hammock. Only at the end you can´t help but get up to find out who won the game. Of course you can also play Boccia away from the hammock.

Slackline: If you have lots of trees around youcan try slacklining. Courage and balancing skills are required here.

Sack Race: This activity is not only a fun challenge for kids, but also turns adults into kids in no time. All you need for this are large, sturdy plastic bags. As an alternative, you can tie your legs together with scarves. And if you want a little more action, you can transport a plastic bowl with water that must not be spilled.

Throwing cans: Another option that gives many a nostalgic feeling is canning. To do this, build a pyramid with ten empty aluminum cans and take a ball to the picnic area and aim it at it.

Badminton: Badminton is a game that is also perfect as a supplement to a picnic in the hammock. By the way, an even faster option is Crossminton. But beware: The balls fly through the air particularly quickly here!

City, Country, River: This game is a must for all word acrobats. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the classic categories – how about creative columns like “movie title”, “song title”, cartoon character”, “characteristic”, “reason for divorce”, “objects the world doesn’t need” or “pick up line” ?

There's always a picnic

By the way: You can picnic not only in daylight, but also at night. A sunset picnic or a midnight date outside - with candles, torches, or garlands of light - can be just as magical. Whatever you decide - do it like the Romans and say to yourself: Carpe diem!

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