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January makes everything new: hammock trends 2022

Denim jackets, berets and the color pink. Accoridung to trend researchers, these are the three of the most important fashion trends in 2022. But not only our clothes are subject to constant change, but also our furnishings: The sofa we sit on in front of the television. The kitchen in which we prepare our favorite dishes. And also the hammock in which we are already dreaming of spring. Because hammock trends are closely linked to general furnishing trends. We take a brief look back at the beginnings of the hammock as a piece of furniture and reveal the hammock trends for 2022.

A quick look back: the hammock as a piece of furniture

The way we furnish our home is primarily an individual decision that depends on our preferences. In addition, many of them allow themselves to be influenced to a certain extent by the general, prevailing furniture and furniture trends. In the 1950s, for example, we sat on bright sofas under bulky lamps while Elvis Presley droned from the wood-paneled radio. Only years later the patterns became larger and more colorful, our chairs more futuristic and floor-to-ceiling cupboards found their way into our living rooms. the topic of sustainability came up for the first time in the 1960s and 1970s: We brought nature into our own four walls and did it good at the same time. Natural materials such as wood as well as objects and clothing with an ethic look replaced plastic furniture and velvet upholstery. At that time, cotton began its triumphal march as a sustainable material and people were increasingly looking for extraordinary objekts to express their individuality. Both of these played into the hammock's hands as a chilled everyday companion - their success story began.

A quick look into the future: hammock trends 2022

A lot has happend since then, so that hammocks are now spread across the globe. They serve people not only to relax and unwind, but also to sleep. And what do they look like now, the hammock trends for 2022?

Naturalness is the key

Ever since Greta Thunberg's Fridays For Future movement, we have been aware that our eniroment is whistling from the last hole. In addition, fueled by the pandemic, a general trend towards regionality has developed. Both are also reflected in the furnishing and hammock trends for 2022. Natural materials like cotton, linen, wool, wood and stone are on the rise again. Hammocks made of cozy and ecological cotton and wooden frames like our CHICO products are therefore more in demand than ever. The textures of the furnishings can now also remain authentic and no longer have to be 100% straightened or glossed over. So hammoks can be seen that there is a lot of natural work in them - yes, even more: the more individual a hammock is , the better. At the same time, the motto "quality over quantity" prefails. That means: we prefer to bring fewer and high-quality unique items into the house that will be with us for a long time.

Earthy colors

The trend towards naturalness does not stop at colos either. In 2022, we will therefore rely on nature's color palette for hammocks and prefer tich olive green, earthy moss green, delicate beige and cream tones or warm brown or orange. Individual accents can be set with the trend colors yellow or pink.

Flexible solutions

Man is a nomad. It has always been like tihs. And in many the pandemic in particular has rekindled this primal longing to be outside. We can be found again between trees and on mountain peaks, instead of in a tavern and enjoy hiking or camping. Hammock that can be assembled quickly, flexible frames that can be easily transported from A to B and fabrics that effortlessly compensate for temperature differences are therefore among the hammock trend for 2022.

Space for everyone

Minimalism is prevalent in many areas - but not when it comes to the size of the hammock. Because hammocks, in which tha partner or child can also find space, are clearly ahead of the game. This, too, is due to a certain extend to the general situation: Corona has drawn our gaze back to the essentials. Spending time with the family. For cozy moments in the warming spring sun. Or long conversationsfor two. And all this can be simply wonderfully anjoyed in a large hammock.

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