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CHICO donation campaign: 5 euros per order goes to the "Herzkinder" association

The quietest time of the year is just around the corner. The first snowflakes are flying through the air. And it smells of baked cookies and warmth. Because even if contact restrictions still determine our life, we are now moving closer together in our hearts. It is the time of the heart's desire. It is the time to warm your heart. And this year we are also going to make it the time of the heart children. Because we at CHICO have decided to support the aid agency "Herzkinder" - together with you, if you want.

And this is how it works: Everyone who purchases in our online shop between December 1st and 24th automatically becomes a valuable supporter of our CHICO fundraising campaign. Because: We donate 5 euros per order to the aid agency "Herzkinder" - regardless of the order value. No matter wether you choose a hammock, a hammock chair, a children's hammock, a frame or accessoires - you are helping children with heart malformations and giving them a smile.

About the association "Herzkinder Österreich"

Your child has a heart condition. Nobody is prepared  for this diagnosis. Neither the child nor their parents and relatives. It hits those involved like lightning, stirs up fears and lets feelings of overwhelm and helplessness arise. Quite a few families have to struggle with it, because around 700 children with heart malformations see the light of day each year. To support themoptimally and to be at their side with advice and action - that is the mission of "Herzkinder Österreich". The foundation of the aid agency has existed since 1995 and has been working as an independent association csince 2006. The team supports parents of children with heart disease in all non-medical matters, creates space for the exchange of experiences, establishes contacts and organizes a number of events every year such as children's meetings, holiday camps, parent's weekends, the heart run, hikes, excursions, benefit events, information evenings and discussion groups. ZThe association also operates two so-called teddy houses in Austria. There, relatives can find a temporary home for the duration of a hospital stay so that they can be near their child and gain new strength. "Herzkinder Österreich" isthus a central point of contact tor those affected. A safe haven where there are no taboos. A place of storytelling and trust. And a network that gives courage and hope.

Direct the focus on the essentials

Why we decided to take this action? Quite simple, as CHICO managing director Sylvia Katzlinger reveals: „As mother of two children, I know the worries and fears that everyday life brings with it. But what the diagnosis of a heart defect in a newborn or toddler means for the parents, I can't imagine with the best of will. I find it particularly important to support these families to a certain extent. In my opinion, the "Herzkinder" asociation is diong a great job. In this hectic and confused time, it's imporant for me to focus again on the essentials, because the future belongs to our children!“

Donate & chill: Every order counts

Doing good for others and improving your own life at the same time - for example with a new everyday companion to relax. So that's bot bot mutually exclusivs with us, on the contary: it complements each other perfectly. Give something to others and revitalize yourself – this is how you could describe the CHICO fundraising campaign for "Herzkinder". But it's not about the correct name or describtion, but about the matter itself: We wnat to help. And we want to support. You too? Then take a look at our online shop, choose your favorite product and do good! Our hammocks and hammock chairs are also an ideal Christmas present for parents, friends, colleagues or partners. Join in and become a part of our CHICO fundraising for "Herzkinder"! Let's do good together!

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